Plot: In the third installment of the Lorien Legacies series, the Mogadorians continue to hunt down the rest of the Garde. with the stakes higher than ever the John Six, and Seven need to find the rest of the Garde to save not only their home planet Lorien, but their new found home, Earth. John was able to rescue Nine from the Mogadorian's West Virginia base, but there's still five members left and time is running out.
My Thoughts: It's been a while since I read this book, not gonna lie. Pittacus Lore's novels always capture my attention and keep my eyes glued to the pages until I turn the last one and The Rise of Nine was no different. The details Lore provides us with is incredible. The dialogue is both terrifying and witty and the story line's always have a twist to them. Ever since I first read I Am Number Four I've been a fan of this series. And every time I finish one it's like the next one can't be released fast enough. I get so wrapped up in the characters and the fate of both planets, knowing that at any moment something could change for the better or worse. Anyone who has not read this series or gave up along the way, pick it up again. You won't be disappointed. Each book gets better than the last.
What did you think of The Rise of Nine? Let me know!
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