Plot: When a tragic car accident places Mia Hall in a coma, she is left with the choice of life or death. But when life consists of enduring everyday activities without your family, death seems like the only option.
My Thoughts: If I Stay by Gayle Forman is a compelling page-turner that takes you
through the mind of a teenage girl, Mia, who is caught between the worlds of life, without her family, and death. This novel is... indescribable. I literally sat at my computer for a few minutes thinking of ways to finish that sentence. Indescribable. The story Ms. Forman takes us through is so powerful that I can't use words to describe how truly amazing it is. The writing hooks you in and makes it impossible to stop reading. I devoured this book in less than two days, and it's story is still stuck with me. The love Mia's friends have for her is admirable, and the love Mia has for her family is phenomenal. This book is one of the best I've ever read and I highly recommend it to anyone with a heart.
What did you think of IF I STAY? Let me know!
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